Market Report

Solar PV Manufacturing Business Opportunity & Outlook 2030 in India

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Report Summary Tracking fully integrated solar PV manufacturing covering full scale value chain of polysilicon, ingot/wafer, solar cell and solar PV modules for different regions in India

Solar PV Manufacturing Business Opportunity & Outlook 2030 in India

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    Import restrictions and impetus on adding more solar capacities are certainly going to be boon factors for solar manufacturing in India

    With India, all set to impose import restrictions from April 2022 the solar manufacturing in the country is set to get unprecedented push more than ever. Talking numbers only, India would see a need of nearly 20GW+ in beginning half of 2020-30 decade and 35GW+ in the later half on yoy basis. For a country like India wherein the manufacturing base currently stands at ~10.8 GW on yoy basis for modules1 it will not be an easy task to scale up the base. Having said so solar manufacturing will certainly attract heavy investments in near future from both domestic and global majors.

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