Market Report

Railway Electrification Market Opportunities in India - 2018

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Report Summary Estimating USD 5000 Million Opportunity Spread for Value Chain Players by 2020 by tracking opportunity tune for EPC players, Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), Independent Power Producers etc.

Railway Electrification Market Opportunities in India - 2018

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  • About

    Currently, railways consume for 15.6 billion units of electricity per annum and foots a bill of INR. 9500 crore which clearly shall be doubled once the entire network shall be electrified but shall also render in savings of INR. 17,000 crore incurred towards diesel bill annually. Thus, this shall open up great opportunity galore for both conventional and renewable power generation players as the business rationale for railways favors either direct power purchase or setting up its own captive infrastructure.

    Railway electrification has now opened up as a fresh opportunity area for multiple players involved in the business of facilitating it. Though not a nascent concept the electrification in India now has been committed with a fresh investment of INR. 35,000 Crores to electrify the entire network and eliminating the cost of fuel under transportation which shall be amounting to a massive savings of INR. 10,500 overall.

    Key Queries Resolved

    • What shall be the trend & outlook of railway electrification in India till 2022?
    • What will be opportunity for power consumption by railways due to complete electrification by 2022?
    • What shall be scale of opportunity for EPC contractors under railway electrification projects in India?
    • How shall be the Direct Power Purchase Agreement market for Railways & how shall be the outlook?
    • What shall be region wise opportunity in India for open access for railway electrification in India?
    • What shall be the tune of opportunities  for RE IPP’S to Enter into Open Access Transaction With Railways?
    • What shall be the Opportunity for Off-Grid Installation for Railways Electrification-D2I Model Based Findings
    • How would be the Quantification of Opportunities for Power Transmission Utilities
    • What be the Quantification of Opportunities for Power Distribution Utilities?
    • How would be the Opportunities for EPC Players in Railway Electrification in India
    • What shall be the Opportunities for System Providers in Railway Electrification in India?
    • What shall be Opportunity in Loco Electrification in Railway Electrification in India?

    Business Case For Railway Electrification In India

    • Government of India plans to fully electrify the balance 50% network in coming four years time i.e. till 2022
    • Cumulative planned investment for over $5000 Million planned till 2022 for electrification of railway network in India
    • Close to 30 Biliion units of electricity shall be required for railway electrification on annual basis by 2022 leading excellent opportunities for IPPs of conventional power
    • Direct power purchase agreements likely to go up with more solar & wind power installations coming up may supply directly for railways
    • Overhead line equipment suppliers to gain massive opportunities to supply for the equipment’s like conductors, transformers & insulators etc.
    • Sub-station capacity to enhance leading for opportunities for transmission & distribution utilities
    • EPC contractors shall have multitude of opportunity in terms of infrastructure creation for railway electrification
    • Opportunity for rolling stock companies shall be massive, electric locomotives shall gain pace
    • OEM’s shall have greater opportunity coming their way in terms of equipment supplies & order

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