Market Report

Indian Wind Market Monitor H1 2020

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Report Summary COVID-19 outbreak is expected to cause wind commissioning project delays due to disruptions in supply from China and within the country due to lockdown. Although the construction has resumed but still sluggish wind power capacity additions are expected in H1 2020

Indian Wind Market Monitor H1 2020

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  • About

    Government allowing construction of renewable projects and MNRE providing a 30-day extension beyond the lockdown period for renewable projects – a way to counter the impacts of Covid-19 on wind capacity additions

    Wind market faces a big hurdle in the form of the Covid-19 pandemic in H1 2020 but MNRE has made its stance clear that during the outbreak of Covid-19 and nationwide lockdown, MNRE does not want to slash its target of achieving 175 gigawatt of renewable energy capacity in the country by 2022. The government has been backing the renewable industry by providing necessary approvals to project developers for starting construction work at there respective project sites and has also granted a 30-day extension beyond the lockdown period for renewable energy (RE) projects so that the project developers have not to bear any penalties due to project delays. The government has provided assurances to the players that the imports of raw material will resume soon and the logistics services will also function properly so that the developers face no equipment shortage. The government is trying to provide the best possible scenario to the renewable projects developers for completing the renewable projects. Government bodies like SECI & NTPC are conducting wind power auctions and attracting various wind market players in a bid to increase the wind installation in the country.

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