Market Report

COVID 19 & Market Opportunity for FGD Systems and Other APCE in India Till 2025(2021)

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Report Summary COVID19 – Flash Series - Market Opportunity for FGD Systems and other APCE in India Till 2025 for Industrial & Commercial Usage

COVID 19 & Market Opportunity for FGD Systems and Other APCE in India Till 2025(2021)

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    5019 MW of Coal-based power capacity in India on the radar of being shut down, due to delays in submission of a plan for emission control norm

    Due to the strict environmental norms, coal-based power plants across India are in the process of installing & upgrading FGD systems, ESPs and other air pollution control equipments. An opportunity of approximately 166 GW lies under for APCE value chain players till 2022.

    India historically has been dependent upon coal-based thermal generation at large to meet its baseload requirements which indeed is a polluting source of energy generation. Moreover, aging thermal power units, falling plant efficiencies, rising power demand and the need for meeting global environmental standards is diverting the existing thermal power generation market more towards upgrading and modernizing the existing units than adding up the fresh capacities. In fact, about 166.4 GW of thermal power capacity has been targeted to install flue gas desulphurization (FGD) systems in a phased manner by 2022. Apart from this, the thermal power units that are already hitting the operational age of 10-15 years do hold significant business potential for efficiency up-gradation & installing air pollution equipment control equipments in the years to come.

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