Market Report

Chemical & Petrochemical Market and Outlook in India - 2025

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Report Summary Market Opportunity Analysis by application and usage of chemicals, by segment & unearthing key State’s in India for investment opportunities with due diligence on future outlook

Chemical & Petrochemical Market and Outlook in India - 2025

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  • About

    The global Chemical and Petrochemical Industry landscape shifting focus from saturated developed market to developing economies like India having robust demand and cost competitive manufacturing

    Market Size Of The Chemical & Petrochemical Industry In India stood At USD 163 Billion In 2017-18 Which Is Projected To Reach USD 304 Billion By 2025

    The chemical and petrochemical industry around the globe expected to follow the steady growth in coming years but growing economies like India is showing great potential which is attracting industry players to invest in the sector. The global industry players are shifting towards the Asian Countries to create a chemical manufacturing hub due to robust demand and cost competitive manufacturing facilities. India being one of the potential market is expected to grow at 10-15% CAGR till 2025. Market size of the Chemicals industry in India stood at USD 163 Billion  in 2017-18 which is expected to reach USD 300 Billion by 2025 in the segments extending from petrochemicals, specialty chemicals and agrochemicals segment.


    • The Indian chemicals industry is projected to reach USD Billion 304 by 2025
    • Central Government of India has announced plans to ensure the robust market size by implementation of a new policy upon the sector so that domestic production could be strengthened and imports can be curbed
    • Innovative usage of plastic to be promoted which shall aid the petrochemical sector. This shall also help in R&D for
    • better use of plastic and shall fuel the growth of petrochemical sector in India
    • Complete revamping of the current Petroleum, Chemicals & Petrochemicals Investment Regions (PCPIRs)policy to encourage effective and long-term investments in the sector. This in turn shall see foreign participants investing in the sector
    • The petrochemical market in India is expected to grow at a CAGR of 10% over the next 5 years to reach $ 100 bn by 2025

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